Évaluations par Tara COUTURE

more like concrete paint than an oil finish
Tara COUTURE · 5 Sep 2020 · Éditer · Supprimer
We had used the Osmo decking oil on another project and it turned out beautifully. Unfortunately, the Osmo has been on back order most of the summer so we went with this product in grey as a substitute. It looks more like an opaque paint than an oil, even with one coat. The colour "grey" looks like silver paint, the colour of the "Tinman". With such a high cost product, we now have a cedar deck that looks like it was painted with concrete paint.
Other colours may have a different effect, but this one is simply ugly. We are now in a situation, with fall on its way and many other projects to get through, of starting over. As Ardec does not give refunds, that means, buying more product to strip (as recommended by them) and then a whole other product to redo. We will be sticking with the Osmo, even if it means going without this year.
Ardec · 8 sept. 2020
We appreciate all customer feed back as that is what make us better at helping our customers.
We are sorry that for the result you obtained.
Ardec offers sample sizes in the Pareo Zero by Prato Verde to help customers choose the right color. Having used the samples to test the color this situation would have been avoided. We stand by the Pareo Zero as being an excellent exterior finishing product.
Perhaps applying the product to one or two boards would have been sufficient to determine that the colour was not quite as wanted. Unfortunately, now that the whole surface has been covered it will need to be stripped and sanded in order correct the situation. It would have been possible to stop the application after one or two boards being completed which would made it easier to fix by either diluting the grey color with the colorless in the Pareo Zero or by simply choosing a different color all together.