Milk Paint
keith mcconachie · 30 Avr 2023 · Éditer · Supprimer
The best paint for cabinets if applied properly the results is amazing.
Very good pricing and shipping was very fast

Queenstown Gray Milk Paint
Lou Vendrame · 12 Avr 2023 · Éditer · Supprimer
The colour is a great combination of dark grey and blue. The milk paint dried surface is unique. Coverage is very good with two coats and a short drying time. The can arrived dented but this in no way affected the quality of the paint. I will be purchasing more milk paint in the future.

Custom colour mix, painted spindles
Shannon Morris · 9 Aoû 2021 · Éditer · Supprimer
General Finishes Gel stain for bannister and posts, General Finishes Milk paint for spindles. Painted 76 spindles in total, using BIN Shellac primer first, then 3 coats of Milk paint and 3 coats of GF High Performance top coat in flat.