Dumond paint removal test kit - testing is important!
Bruce Turner · 10 Fév 2024 · Éditer · Supprimer
This was a great way to determine which of their three strippers would be most effective for my project, 100 years of paint on wood moldings. All three products worked really well, and there are differences between the three products, so nice to be able to test, compare and assess. All three were easy to use and very effective and I would recommend them. They’re much easier and less messy than old-school strippers that require solvent cleanup.
The lesson learned from my tests, was that the stripper unfortunately also dissolves the glue in the molded wood relief details. My intention was to remove the buildup of paint to restore the detail in the moldings, but it actually dissolved the material under the paint and dissolved the detail I was hoping to reveal. So I wasn’t able to use the product for this application. To be fair Dumond does call this possibility out in the supporting information for one of the three strippers, so I was aware of the potential problem for at least one of the strippers which made me cautious with the other two. But it wasn’t called out for all three in their documentation, yet all three dissolved the moldings when tested. Which was disappointing.
Having the test kit got me to do proper testing (which I might not have done otherwise) and saved me from buying a gallon of something that I ultimately wouldn’t use. So highly recommended.