Love the "Snow" Finish on our walls!
Karla Hardcastle · 16 Oct 2022 · Éditer · Supprimer
This is SUCH a forgiving product! We applied it on newly installed pine shiplap and are in love with the results. We sanded some spots and didn't sand others and we really couldn't tell the difference afterwards. Honestly, we basically slapped it up and then wiped off the excess and that was that. The finish is a matt look and the "Snow" colour doesn't look whitewashed so much as like fresh brand new white pine that hasn't aged yet. We're really hoping that it will stay this way and not yellow over time. The first pic is an entire finished wall (note the difference to the ceiling - that pine has been yellowing for a about a year). The second shows the top finished and the bottom not done yet. It is such a bright and subtle effect!

Made for floors, works well on plywood walls
Martin Vendryes · 5 Mar 2019 · Éditer · Supprimer
The product applies as advertised and works well. Haven't tried it on floors, but applied to birch plywood, this is a great alternative to a painted wall.