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Évaluations par Gabriel Tetrault

Système HVLP Hobby-PRO 2™

Hobby-PRO2 : My First HVLP System

Gabriel Tetrault · 3 Avr 2021

I’ve been progressively making investments into my woodworking tool arsenal and finally decided in January 2021 that the time was now to invest into a paint spraying system as I was venturing into building new bunk beds, Murphy bed and closet organizers for my kids bedroom.

So I decided that the Hobby-PRO 2 was the unit for me at this stage in my woodworking journey. I finally was able to use the system this past month and can say that this system was a well worth investment. The system was very easy to use and adjust as I was searching for the right gun settings to achieve the finish I was looking for.

I’m very impressed with the quality and performance of the system and it’s parts. This is a great system for those with a limited budget but still want to improve the quality of their finished products. For my situation I wish I would have ordered a few other items such as additional cups to minimize the cleaning steps as I switched back and forth between paints. I’m also considering investing into the 3M system to allow for spraying finishes in any direction as I will be building more cabinets in the future.


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