What is this on my finish?

Steve1 · Apr 23, 2024, 19:29 · Last edit: Jun 19, 2024, 13:17

Like anybody else, I occasionally get defects in my finish.
Here I had several bumps in the poly (GF High Performance). I think people generally call these "dust nibs", but looking at them under magnification, I am not so sure. I am suspecting that these are actually contaminants in my poly, or else maybe a bit of spitting. I filter the un-thinned High Performance through a 226 micron filter and spray with Fuji Minimite 5 and 1.0mm cap set. Maybe I need a finer filter ?

I can't scale these, but all are clearly visible to the eye. "A" was actually bigger, but I already knocked the top off. (it had the same dome shape as the other two images)

Do you have a good guess at what these are ?

Edit --- I tried your suggestion of the larger cap set. You were correct, the larger cap set eliminated that problem. Thank you. I have the G-XPC gun, so actually I used 1.4mm cap set rather than 1.3mm.

Marilyn · Technical Support · Apr 24, 2024, 08:49


Try using a 1.3mm air cap, this should take care of the issue.

Hope this helps,

[None] · May 14, 2024, 06:11

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