Polarshine 35 by Mirka

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from $30.32
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This product is sensitive to freezing.

Polarshine® 35 is a coarse polishing compound developed for demanding Industrial and Marine applications. Suitable for materials such as gel coats, high gloss lacquers and composites.

Polarshine® 35 is fast and efficient compound, producing a high surface gloss and thus enabling you to minimize the sanding steps. This polishing compound has special emulsifying properties, which reduce the risk of drying out or overheating the surface.

The viscosity of Polarshine® 35 reduces splashing and makes it is easy to use.

  • An aggressive polishing compound for removal of sanding scratches from P800 and finer, or for heavily oxidized surfaces
  • For easy and quick polishing, use a twisted wool pad after sanding with P800, or an orange foam pad after sanding with P1000
  • Can also be used for removal of fine orange peel
  • Silicone free
  • For machine application

Drections for Use

  1. Shake or stir polishing compound before use
  2. Do not use too much compound at a time. Use a small amount which is consumed on a focused area less messing and clean up!
  3. Clean thoroughly before and after polishing
  4. Work focused on an area of 40x40 cm at a time
  5. Polish until a scratch free surface is achieved
  6. Keep the pad clean, a dirty pad causes deep swirls and scratches


250 ml
$30.32 In stock
1 L
$58.30 In stock


Classification Sanding & Polishing / Equipments & Accessories
Brand Mirka
  • 250 ml
  • 1 L
Sold Since September 18, 2020

16 g / L




5° to 35° C (41° to 95° F)

Keep from freezing






Polishing pad:
- Twisted wool
- Lambswool


20,5 Pas

Recommended Surfaces

Ceramic clearcoat
Old Paint
Wood high gloss coatings

Recommended speed

Rotating 800 – 2000 rpm


How can I eliminate micro-scratches on my furniture with varnish or glossy lacquer finish?

In order to eliminate slight scratches that may have accumulated over time and use on a piece of furniture with a transparent varnish or lacquer finish, you can use a polishing agent with a very soft cloth. It is important to choose a polishing agent that is appropriate for the original gloss of the varnish. Generally, a coarser polishing agent will result in a less shiny surface, while a finer one will result in a shinier surface. If scratches are still visible after polishing, you may need to sand the surface with wet or dry 800-grit sandpaper before polishing it again until it is completely de-polished.

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restoration of gelcoat

walter gibson · Mar 23, 2023

Polarshine 35 does a quick and efficient job on gelcoat


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