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How to refresh an existing oiled surface if you don't know the brand of oil used initially?

Wood finishing oils have become very popular in recent years, which means that there are now many different brands. If you need to refresh an oiled floor or piece of furniture and you don't know the brand of oil used previously, it's important to know what to avoid to prevent compatibility issues.

Firstly, it's important to note that most oils are compatible with each other as they are made from similar natural components. If the surfaces to be maintained have been oiled with a clear oil, simply clean the wood well using a soap recommended for the maintenance of oiled surfaces. Black soap is a good choice, but each oil manufacturer also has a recommended soap for the maintenance of oiled surfaces.

Once cleaning is complete, it's important to use a clear oil that requires complete wiping after application to ensure that it penetrates into the wood fiber and doesn't remain on the surface of the wood. It's also recommended to perform a test in a corner or closet before proceeding with the full maintenance of a floor to avoid any problems. It's important to follow the manufacturer's instructions and respect the recommended drying time. If the test is successful, you can then proceed with the full maintenance of your oiled floor, piece of furniture, or woodwork.

Last updated on September 18, 2023


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