Sanding & Polishing
General information about sanding, abrasives, polishing, tools and equipment
- Why should you never overlook the final sanding?
- Which abrasive paper offers the best value for money?
- How can pigtail marks or small swirls that appear during sanding with an orbital sander be avoided?
- How can I eliminate micro-scratches on my furniture with varnish or glossy lacquer finish?
- How can you improve the sanding process to save time and money when using a portable belt sander?
- Why do particles stick to 320 or 400 grit sandpaper when sanding sealers or primers with an orbital sander?
- Why do my sandpaper sheets curl after a few months?
- How to restore or polish an epoxy table with scratches?
- How to achieve optimal results with a manual belt sander?
- What are the benefits of using Abranet abrasives?
- What should I do when Sia abrasive discs do not adhere properly to my 5-inch, 8-hole sanding pad?
- Sanding hardwood floors - Sanding 101
- Sanding hardwood floors - Choosing the initial grit
- Sanding hardwood floors - Tips and tricks before you begin
- Sanding hardwood floors - Operating a floor sander
- Sanding hardwood floors - Tools, required materials and tips before you begin
- Sanding hardwood floors - Renting the proper floor sanding equipment
- Sanding hardwood floors