OSMO Wood Wax Re-finish

Chris Plunkett · Mar 18, 2021, 11:16

My client now wants an opaque finish on the kitchen. The cabinets are maple veneer finished with OSMO Wood Wax, 3 coats to achieve the current finish. Is there an opaque OSMO product that is compatible? She wants it to be grey.

Marilyn · Technical Support · Mar 18, 2021, 12:29


Unfortunately, with 3 coats of finishes already applied, achieving and an opaque finish will not be possible.


Chris Plunkett · Mar 18, 2021, 12:51

Thanks for the reply. Do you say that because 3 coats is too much for another coat? She wants to lose the grain of the wood to achieve a paint-like finish

Marilyn · Technical Support · Mar 18, 2021, 13:56

Yes too many coats.

By adding 3 more coats (2 for the color and 1 for the Polyx-Oil) there is a high risk of chipping or scratching.

You can always try but there will be no guarantee on the finish.

Kind Regards,


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