Tips and Techniques

Tips, techniques and advices on wood finishing.


How to stain wood?

0 responses · Jun 27, 2013 · by Mathieu Beaulieu
At first, a good wood preparation is needed. Checking the condition of gluing and sanding is important. Any glue residue …

Oil on wax

0 responses · Jun 27, 2013 · by Mathieu Beaulieu
Many customers ask us if oils can be applied on wax. The answer is yes, with the proviso that the …

How to keep the color of Cedar for interior

0 responses · Jun 27, 2013 · by Mathieu Beaulieu
It’s possible to keep the natural color of Cedar used in the interior. Commonly, Cedar is used for paneling or …

Proper use of the Carbamex Wax

0 responses · Jun 27, 2013 · by Mathieu Beaulieu
Here’s how to use the Carbamex Wax to obtain stunning results. This technique is prescribed for open wood grain, like …

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