Titebond Instant Bond Thin viscosity product offers the fastest assembly time of 5 seconds and an initial cure speed of 3 seconds. It is ideal for repairing hair line cracks and small defects in wood, as well as repairing loose veneer edges. It can also be used as a finish. While Titebond Instant Bond Activator can be used to further reduce set times, it is not required for producing strong, tight-fitting joints.
Titebond Instant Bond Medium viscosity product offers an assembly time of 7 seconds and an initial cure speed of 5 seconds. In addition to typical bonding applications, it is ideal for filling knots and voids in wood, adhering pen tubes to blanks for pen turning applications, and for soaking end-grain to prevent splitting.
Titebond Instant Bond Thick viscosity product offers an assembly time of 10 seconds and an initial cure speed of 8 seconds. It is ideal for bonding end-grain in a miter joint application, quick assembly of jigs and fixtures, adhering turning blocks to scrap blocks on a faceplate for immediate use.
Titebond Instant Bond Gel viscosity product offers the longest assembly time of 30 seconds and an initial cure speed of 20 seconds. It is ideal for gap-filling applications, gluing porous and odd-shaped surfaces and various cabinet making applications, such as pre-bonding moldings to install as one unit.