Surface preparation
Remove loose paint, wood fibers and debris with stiff brush or scraper. Wood should be fully dry., free of dirt, dust or grease. Wet or damp wood or wood treated with wood preservatives will decrease PC-Petrifier's ability to soak-in. PC-Petrifier does not displace water from inside damp wood. Ventilate the wet wood using a fan and if necessary safely warm with infrared heat lamp to speed drying. Painted surfaces must be drilled or sanded to expose damaged wood. Vertical surfaces should be drilled on a downward angle (45 degree) with 1/8 to 1/4 inch bit to access the wood grain.
Liberally apply PCPetrifier® in order to fully saturate the rotted area. Allow wood to dry (normally overnight). If needed, mix and apply PC-Woody® epoxy filler to rebuild missing wood. PCPetrifier® can be applied by pouring, spraying, brushing or sponging onto area to be restored. Repeatedly saturate the rotted wood fibers to enable the deepest possible penetration. Let cure until solid and not tacky to the touch.
Since the depth of penetration may depend on the porosity of the wood, to get deeper penetration drill or poke small holes to allow access down to solid wood. On painted surfaces drill small holes (1/8 inch or larger) to allow access to soft wood. When restoring a vertical surface drill holes in a
downward angle and then saturate with PC-Petrifier®. Best results are achieved when applying in temperatures of 7 degrees Celsius (45 degrees Fahrenheit) or higher. Successful application depends on the wood’s dryness, and porosity and preparation.
Clean-up after application
Clean up PC-Petrifier with paper towels before it dries and/or cures. Water is the best solvent to clean brushes and spills or drips. Cured PC-Petrifier can be removed with citrus based solvents. Apply solvent to loosen, then rub with a paper towel or scrape away. Paint stripper will remove cured PC-Petrifier.