Retarder by SamaN

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from $11.95
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Some important finishing projects such as floor and staircases staining require a longer open time to complete. For this reason, SamaN designed a new high-quality water-based retarder to extend the open time for applying a stain without leaving overlapping marks.

SamaN Retarder keeps the wood surface wet for a longer period, which will give you sufficient time to get the result you’re aiming for, or to correct mistakes you may have made. SamaN Retarder is especially useful during long, hot and days in a dry environment. SamaN Retarder will not adversely affect stain quality.

SamaN Retarder can be used with SamaN water-based wood stains, as well as water-based, Nature and Oil-based hybrid varnishes.

How to use

For SamaN Water-based wood stain (TEW-100 to TEW-212): Add SamaN Retarder at a maximum ratio of 30%. It is recommended to wet the floor with water and let dry completely before applying the stain. Allow 6 to 8 hours to dry before applying a SamaN varnish.

The addition of SamaN Retarder may lighten the color intensity.

For SamaN Water-based, Nature and Oil-based Hybrid Varnishes: Add SamaN Retarder at a maximum ratio of 2%. Adding too much Retarder will affect varnish durability.


118 ml $11.95 In stock
236 ml $15.95 In stock


Classification Wood Stains and Dyes
Brand SamaN
  • 118 ml
  • 236 ml
Sold Since October 9, 2013

Propylene Glycol






Store at room temperature. Freeze-Thaw Stable.


SamaN Water-based wood stain (TEW-100 to TEW-212), SamaN Water-based, Nature and Oil-based Hybrid Varnishes.

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