Tung oil for trim and doors

Brad Elford · Mar 18, 2018, 14:54

Hello, I am finishing a new red pine floor with your Tung Oil. Should I use the same amount of coats for the doors and trim as the floor or can I use less for these since they will not see the amout of wear the floor will? I am planning on doing 2 coats of 50/50 tung oil/thinner and a 3rd coat just tung oil on the floor. Thank you!

René Carrier · Technical Support · Mar 18, 2018, 20:52

Hello, you have a very good prescription for your floors. 2 diluted coats and 3 pure coats.

René Carrier · Technical Support · Mar 19, 2018, 10:55

Sorry, I misread your message.

You should apply at least 2 diluted coats and 2 coats of just tung oil on your floor. 2 diluted coats and 1 pure coats should be enough for the doors and trims.

Brad Elford · Mar 19, 2018, 10:59

Excellent. Thank you René.


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