pawlonia outdoors finishes

Todd · Oct 4, 2018, 19:07

I am seeking a clear finish for a bench made of 3" slabs of pawlonia. I'd like to keep the light wood color as much as possible, though recognize it will grey with time. Fungus may also be a problem, so a fungicide in the finish may help limit growth. I have tried Renaissance wax but am unsure how well this will hold up. I expect very occasional use of the bench however - it is more a garden folly than a seating amenity. Thank you!

René Carrier · Technical Support · Oct 5, 2018, 05:47

Indeed the Renaissance wax is not the good product for outdoor wood. it is best to use an outside oil to protect the wood. it is important that this oil is slightly colored to protect uv.

We recommend Prareo oil for exterior finishing.


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