COMPATIBILITY: Bona Pacific Filler will accept most stains, sealers and finishes in the same manner as most woods. ALWAYS PREPARE A TEST OR SAMPLE AREA TO DETERMINE COMPATIBILITY. Do not use wood bleach over Bona Pacific Filler as it may damage the filler.
SANDING AND FINISHING NEW FLOORS: Sand and prepare floor using accepted industry association methods.
RECOMMENDED APPLICATORS: Stainless steel trowel, putty knife
MIXING INSTRUCTIONS: Stir thoroughly before using. One to two cups of water may be added per gallon.
- Apply Bona Pacific Filler 600-800 sq. ft. per gallon before final sanding with the drum or belt machine.
- Thoroughly vacuum dust from cracks and holes before filling.
- Work the filler as deep as possible into cavities. To fill and level larger holes or deeper cracks, several applications may be required. It may be necessary to trowel-fill the entire floor, depending upon the extent of cracks between strip or parquet floors.
- Allow sufficient drying time: 30 minutes to 2 hours before final sanding. Higher humidity or cooler conditions will increase the drying time.
- Bona Pacific Filler is tintable with Universal Color tints. Do not exceed more than 1 ounce of tint per gallon of filler.
- Use the Bona Pacific Filler that is closest in color to the floor being finished.
CLEAN UP: Clean tools with water.
STORAGE AND DISPOSAL: Store at room temperature. Keep container closed when not in use. Do not store above 38˚ C.