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Water Based Dye Stain by General Finishes


5/5 · 6 reviews

Direction for use

Preparation: To insure surfaces are clean of all grease and oils and smooth enough for staining, sand all surfaces with the grain using #120 and finishing with #220 grit paper. Remove dust.


  • Stir well prior to use.
  • General Finishes Dye Stains can be applied with foam brush, rag, pad applicator or spray. If applied by spray application you have the option of spray no wipe. Spray the surface evenly and let the stain dry completely.
  • A second coat of stain will darken the colour. It is essential to use liberal amounts of stain to insure easy workability.
  • Stain complete section (a side, top, or drawer) and wipe off excess evenly with a clean, dry cloth before starting next section.
  • Light buffing of the stain coat is not recommended but optional. Be careful not to buff through the stain, particularly on the edges. Use a super fine sanding pad or #320 or higher grit sandpaper.

Dry Time: Dry time is normally 2-4 hours under ideal conditions (70°F or 21°C, 70% humidity). Cooler temperatures and higher humidity will prolong drying time up to 8-10 hours.

Top Coats: All top coats (water based, solvent based, lacquer based) work well over General Finishes Water Based Wood Stains.


Classification Wood Stains and Dyes
Brand General Finishes
Sold Since March 26, 2014

120-160 sq feet per litre


< 240 g / L depending on the color. Consult the




If necessary, can be thinned with 10-20% water


Protect from freezing. Do not use the product if it has frozen.

Tools cleaning

Warm, soapy water


All water based, solvent based or lacquer based top coats are compatible with General Finishes Water Based Wood Stains.


How many coats of General Finishes Water Based Dye stain should I apply?

It is generally recommended to apply two coats to achieve a consistent result and a vibrant color intensity. This Water Based Dye Stain can be applied with a Spray Gun in a thin coat, making criss-cross passes.

When the Dye Stain is sprayed, it is not necessary to wipe it off, just let it dry and apply additional coats if needed. It is important not to apply too many coats, as this could compromise the details of the chosen wood that you want to highlight.

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