What can cause a HVLP turbin to overheat?

When a turbine overheats, there can be multiple causes. To prevent any malfunctions, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Optimal Turbine Positioning: It is imperative to place the turbine at a height equivalent to that of the user, thereby avoiding excessive elevation or descent that could hinder its proper functioning.
  • Safety Distance: To ensure safe usage, maintain a respectable distance between yourself and the device. The use of a 6-foot extension hose may be recommended to maintain an adequate distance and prevent overheating.
  • Filter: Ensure that the filter is clean, allowing unobstructed operation.
  • Needle Selection: Depending on the type of material to be sprayed, choose a needle that matches the viscosity of the product being used. This will facilitate a steady flow and prevent complications.

Failure to comply with these guidelines may risk turbine overheating, potentially damaging your equipment. Excessive overheating can not only affect the optimal operation of the device but also deteriorate the hose, rendering it unusable. Taking preventive measures will help preserve the longevity and efficiency of your turbine.

Last updated on September 18, 2023


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